Security & Protection

Security & Protection of funds, data and all other aspects in connection with Nexus Capital Alliance (NCA) is a priority for us. We are striving to build a complex, widespread ecosystem covering all known social platforms, all major blockchains, decentralized and centralized exchanges over time. We are started from zero - basically just an idea, and all the experience and knowledge we had in blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. We had to build up everything from the basics, so by living with the opportunity of a clean start, we put in our time, money and efforts to make it as safe as possible.

As our goals appeared and formed during the planning and developing progress, they bough the most important problem with themselves: How to protect and defend the ecosystem and people participating in it along with the funds and information?
We believe in the philosophy and strategy of "Divide & Conquer" and based on it, we publicly shared our wallet addresses across all blockchains that are in connection with NCA.

All of our NCA member wallets are publicly available in the reason to let anyone see balances and blockchain activities by us. We decided to do our activities this way because we wish to provide as much insight into our operations as possible. We would like to build and maintain Nexus Capital Alliance as a long term ecosystem in the blockchain & cryptpcurrency world - based on the success of other great projects like Ethereum (ETH), Cardano (ADA) or Solana (SOL), we understand that being open and putting in efforts to gain trust of the community is a key point of maintainable success. Based on this, we are operating in the most acceptable and open way possible.

We aren't distancing ourselves from further adaptation and updates in our security and fund-information management. We welcome any insights, opinions and ideas from anyone on our social platforms and contact channels. 

As another key layer of security, there is the safety of funds and information. We have multiple accounts, passwords and both hot and cold devices in order to store, organize and manage information and funds. Nexus Capital Alliance launched its ecosystem with the ownership of 11 wallets on the Solana blockchain, but based on our mentioned philosophy of "Divide & Conquer" we are planning and will create and maintain multiple hot and cold wallets to manage our funds & holdings. The same strategy applies to information mamagement - both in physical and digital terms. 


The assets of Nexus Capital Alliance (NCA) are blockchain-based cryptocurrency assets, which has a minority control of NCA founders, developers and members. Above this ownership, we can't provide further safety of funds as (just like in any other cryptocurrency assets in the market) the supply, demand, commumity and market behavior determines its value and performance on all timeframes. As cryptocurrencies are accessible by anyone with an internet access, we couldn't, and wouldn't control 100% of NCA ecosystem's assets and funds completely based on its decentralized nature.

Past performance is not indicative of future results. This applies to all of our projects, and everyone has to apply their holding and trading strategies for themselves altogether with personal tolerance for high-risk assets.